Clearwater Swimming Pool Algaecide - 1 Litre
The Bestway Clearwater 1 Litre Algaecide.
Getting rid of swimming pool algae, a microscopic plant that comes in many guises and adores the nutrients found in pool water, couldn't be simpler. If algae forms on or below the water’s surface you simply pour the recommended dose of algae remover into the swimming pool. Ideally the algae killer should be applied where water inlets are situated so that it disperses evenly and effectively throughout the water. The amount of algae treatment used depends on the size of an above ground swimming pool and the severity of the situation.
As with all chemical products, instructions and warnings should be carefully followed and heeded. Thankfully Clearwater 1 Litre Algaecide is clearly labelled with all of the necessary guidelines.
Key Features
- 1 Litre container of Liquid Algaecide
- Liquid algaecide prevents build-up of algae
- Regular application helps to control algae growth
- Helps to maintain clean and healthy water
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Clearwater Swimming Pool Algaecide - 1 Litre
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